News 27 Jun 12

Understand pupils’ Readiness for Learning

Over 1000 schools have already benefited from Pearson Publishing’s Pupil Perceptions survey, which provides important information about a range of issues related to health, wider well-being, engagement and aspiration – all key factors for making sure pupils fulfil their potential.

Pupil Perceptions has recently been improved by the addition of Readiness for Learning scores – a single score for each pupil that acts as a headline measure of how positive and negative their responses have been. This makes it much easier to conduct analysis of whether, for example, attainment, progress or attendance might be affected by the factors covered in the survey.

Readiness for Learning scores are also supplied for groups of pupils, based on gender, ethnicity and other characteristics, so that schools can quickly identify groups that might benefit from extra support or intervention programmes.

The detailed data provided by Pupil Perceptions is endlessly useful to schools, not least for self-evaluation in advance of an Ofsted visit. In particular, it can help schools put together compelling evidence about their use of the Pupil Premium, and the impact that it has had.