Introduction Year 7 Year 8 Year 9


This resource provides:

  • quick onscreen access to the activities
  • printable material that can be copied and distributed
  • a selection of digital files for use either as they are or in edited forms.

Running in standard Web-browser software, the onscreen content is designed to offer you rapid access to all the information. Click on the tabs across the top of the screen and then on the subsection headings that appear in the left-hand side to browse through the resource. Use the arrows in the top right-hand corner of the screen to move back and forwards in a section.

Click on the index icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen for a full list of activities arranged alphabetically. The index also includes links to this introductory section. The resources icon can be used to identify particular activities by language or by topic.

By using the tabs, left-hand menu, index, resources and links within the text, you can navigate quickly and easily throughout the material – finding and using core information and supplementary resources as you see fit.

Digital files

A range of supplementary digital files, many of which can be edited, are provided. These may be Microsoft® Word or PowerPoint files. To access the digital files, either click on the links found in the resource, or click on the resources icon and then select Digital files. You will need Microsoft® Word and PowerPoint to open the digital files.

All the files can be found in the folder called digital_files on the disc.

Printable material

All the material has been included as PDF (portable document format) files, which can be used onscreen or printed out. To access these files, click on the resources icon and then select Printable version. To print out the resource materials, you will need Adobe Reader, or other software capable of viewing PDF files. If your computer does not already have this installed, look in the installers folder on the disc for the appropriate installer for your operating system.